
Sunday 6 January 2013

WPP's 24/7 Media Touts Cross-Platform Monetization

As consumer video viewing spreads across devices, advertisers increasingly will want tools and analytics to track, measure and reach those audiences. That's what 24/7 Media is aiming to do, Nicolle Pangis, President of Real Media Group, a division of 24/7 Media, WPP's marketing technology company, tells Beet.TV in an interview. 24/7 Media's purchase of digital video services company Panache a year ago has allowed the marketing technology firm to run campaigns for marketers and publishers across platforms and also to monetize in that fashion as well. "Cross-platform monetization will be increasingy important over time," Pangis tells us. Similarly, 24/7 Media's partnership with mobile advertising company Jumptap gives advertisers the ability to make a single buy and target users across devices. 24/7 Media recently extended the Jumptap partnership."All these new technologies are starting to integrate into one another," she says. Another partnership vital to 24/7 Media is with BBN, which helps reach business-to-business audiences, she says. "We have made these major investmetns in cross-platfom and there are now things we can do across platforms at's the ability to take major data sets and make sense of them in one platform."

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